Kristi Campanella

Jul 17, 20204 min

Happy Friday!

Good Friday to everyone! I am back home in Colorado and enjoying the beautiful weather. I hope everyone is doing great and staying healthy!

I don't have a lot to write about today, just wanted to let everyone know that I am now doing some coaching for It is a very affordable way to get quality coaching if you need it. You can check out the website and check out all the coaches here. Just scroll down the page and you will see the pictures of me and the other coaches.

I know there aren't any races to be training for right now but it is still a good way to stay in shape with a customized program for you if you are just starting to run or even if you just need a way to be held accountable for your workouts. As we all know, right now it is even more important to be at our appropriate weight and to be staying active in order to keep our immune systems strong.

I am working on getting back into a regular routine of workouts. Because it is summer (and also because I don't want to wear a mask working out) I am doing most of my workouts outside. If you know me well then you know that I do not want to be inside a gym when the weather is so great outside. I do not go to the gym much in the summer except to swim laps in the outdoor pool, which I absolutely love doing. I am not a great swimmer but it is so nice to swim outside!

I finally got on my bike yesterday. I have not been on it since last summer (except on the indoor trainer-but that is soooo boring). I did a short ride with some hill repeats and then a short run. The day before I did a quick 25 minute HIIT workout. It feels good to be getting back to a regular routine. Chris and I are going to start back to cycling, swimming, running even though we do not have a triathlon to train for!! I guess we could do a few small, fun, sprints with some friends at the end of the summer. Any takers?

Laura and I are still waiting to hear back from the Rock N Roll Montreal marathon. We are expecting it to be canceled but so far no word. I will keep you updated on that. Now that I am home for good I will finally get my picture of all the medals from the 50 races that Kristie and I did together. I hope to be posting on a much more regular basis now also.

If you have suggestions for things you would like me to post about-i.e. injuries, fitness running, nutrition, etc., let me know. Once I get a training plan in place for me and Chris for our bike, swim and run workouts I will share it with you if you would like.

Before I go, two things...

First, I will tell you about my car. Yesterday it was so beautiful that I wanted the top down on my car. Well, I started opening it and it got stuck part-way on the passenger side. I got out to look and realized one of my Dansko sandals was wedged in there!! When I had been traveling I threw all my shoes in the back window and did not realize I missed one! Anyway, I couldn't get the top to move (and sadly I have to take it in to Audi again to have the top fixed!).

I got home and spent an hour and a half trying to get that stupid shoe out! I finally got it with a crowbar and sledgehammer!!! I took the hydraulic pressure off and that side went down then I was able to put the top back up. I decided to run it through the cycle a couple of times so I opened it again and that was it, it wouldn't close. Dang it!!! Why???? Why do I keep doing this? This is the 3rd time in the past few months I have done something stupid with the top. Chris and I closed it manually last night and now I will go to Audi today to have them reset the timing on it. Luckily they are very nice to me and do not charge me a fortune to do this for me. They have really gotten to know me!! Anyway, here is a picture of the shoe. I am a bit bummed because I have had them forever and still wear them all the time, but no more. Boo hoo!

My last thing for today is to show you some Kindness Rocks my friend Barbara has been painting and leaving outside her gate for people to take. She let me take some and she also painted a special one for Chris. Oorah! Take a look:

Ok, that is it for today. I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Happy Running!

