Well, today will be a short post because I am heading to the airport to do my TSA precheck interview. I have decided that I fly enough that I want to get this done so I can quit standing in so many long security lines. The security lines in Denver have gotten so incredibly slow. Chris and I almost missed our flight last time because it took so long. We got there 2 hours and 15 minutes ahead of time and still got to the gate when they were almost done boarding.
I wanted to post something quickly with my photos from our recent hail storm. We have been getting more and more hail this year and honestly, it is really getting annoying! I had just spent all this time getting the weeds away from my few plants that had made a comeback from the last hail storm and everything was doing so well, then BAM! everything was gone again! My corn looked like a bunch of praying mantis standing there! Anyway, I was really bummed to lose everything. Thank goodness I had already gotten some lettuce and Swiss Chard from the garden and we were able to enjoy the freshness of those!! Here are some pictures of the damage. I spent the better part of last week cleaning up the yard.
I don't have much time to talk about the actual topic I had planned today so I will have to get to it next time. What I want to talk about is my ongoing dilemma in my head with regards to my running: do I continue to just have fun with it and jump into races without really being trained, or get more serious about it and try to actually run good times? I am always wanting to do other things in addition to running so I am back and forth. Anyway, thoughts welcomed!
I must get going for now!
Happy Running!