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  • Writer's pictureKristi Campanella

Happy Monday

Good Morning! I hope you all had a great weekend! We had a great weekend here and so did the Broncos!! Yay, we beat Seattle! The next best news I have for today is that my husband finally shaved!!! I cannot tell you how happy this makes me! No more beard, no more mustache!! Lots more kisses from me!! If you know me then you know I am not a big fan of beards. On most people I do not care for mustaches either. There are a few people that look awesome with mustaches, Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds (RIP). I may be missing someone but those are the 3 that come to mind. Let's just leave the mustaches to them fellas!!

I did a 17 miler on Friday but had to do it differently than I have ever done. I broke it up into two different runs. I didn't do this on purpose. I started out for my run going my usual route from my house. I got about a mile and a half down the road and the road was closed with a bunch of workers and machines blocking the road. I turned around and was just going to go a different way until I saw the black clouds hanging over me.

As you all know, I hate running in weather that is not sunny. It is not that I won't do it but I just get pissed sometimes when I have to get my run ruined by rain and wind. It is more the wind and if I am chilly than the rain. I know how wimpy that sounds and I also know the saying I have read that "there are no bad running days, only weak people," but I have done so many runs in bad weather and I just refuse right now. So, I went home and got on the Treadmill thinking I would do a few miles while the weather passed then go back out. Well, I did 8 miles then ended up stopping to see a friend who wanted her knee checked out. By that time my legs were feeling like lead.

I decided to just wait until my husband got home and run with him. I had heard about splitting up some runs like this so that the second run is on stiff, tired legs but I hadn't really tried it. (I guess this will have to be one of my next experiments on myself!) Well, it was a bit of a bummer starting the run in the afternoon at 4:00!! I felt like I was barely moving, kind of like the marathon shuffle when you are just spent. After about 3-4 miles I started doing better and picked up the pace on the way home. The good news is that I was able to speed up to almost a minute faster than what I anticipate my marathon pace to be for the last 2 miles and I even had to go uphill for a mile of it. The bad news is that I am still sore!! We did a hike yesterday and my quads still felt dead!

Yesterday morning we had the 9/11 tribute out by my house. They have been having it every year and it is pretty cool. We can just walk there from our house. Chris carried our flags down there. The different first responders and law enforcement officials come down the freeway from way up north of us. It is pretty cool. Here are a few pictures. The pictures do not capture the coolness of it. I did not get all of the people who were lined up for about a mile on the interstate with flags.

I hope you are off to a great Monday. I have a busy week of getting things done around here and finishing my last week of really hard training before my taper. I can't believe I leave for Chicago in less than a month!!

Before I go let me say again, RIP Bandit. I was sad to hear of Burt Reynolds passing away. I know he lived a long life but it feels like a lot of stars from my childhood have been dying over the past few years and I guess it is making me feel old!! My brother and I loved Smokey and the Bandit when we were younger. Honestly, I still love it. It cracks me up but I love the driving also!! I love when they hide the Trans Am in the convoy of trucks!! Also, how hilarious that the one chick driver is Little Beaver!!!

So, here's to you Bandit, east bound and down.

Well, that's it for this morning. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Monday and hope your week starts off great!! I still don't have a running idea with 50 in it to do by my 50th!! Help, I need ideas!!

Happy Running!



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