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  • Writer's pictureKristi Campanella

Happy Monday!

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! We had a nice weekend with a good mix of getting stuff done and relaxing and watching football.

Before we get started, check out this hilarious picture of Chris and Frankie!!

This time of year is when you start cheering for teams that you normally would not cheer for, such as the Chargers.

I have decided that I now like Phillip Rivers. I used to feel like he was a bit of a drama queen and cry baby but in the past several years I have come to like him. I have decided to cheer for them because I think it would be nice for him to go all the way!!

We finally finished all of the Lord of the Rings movies (no, not for the first time) that we started after Christmas. It is hard for me to imagine not liking those movies!! What is not to like about a super hot Ranger that becomes king and some super hot elves?? Anyway, we love it!

We also watched Rampage with The Rock. I pretty much like anything with him in it! This movie is kind of corny/stupid but it helps that he is in it and that they have some awesome creature fights!!! You keep expecting Godzilla to show up. (He doesn't, sorry!)

We are way behind the times with TV shows but we have been watching Parks and Rec also and Chris says I am the character on there named Leslie Knope. If you have seen it I would love to know if you think I am her. She is a bit of a nerd and loves her work. Hmm...

Now onto a little bit of running stuff. Kristie and I have nailed down almost 30 of our 50 races so far. I thought I would share our schedule with you, at least what we have so far. It is not an easy task putting this together so that we can do all of these together. Not only is it a big challenge to schedule, it is also a big financial commitment! For this reason we have had to start our first 2 months with virtual races.

It is a bit of a crazy schedule, but here is what we have so far.


March 1-Magical Miles 4 mile race

March 2-Happy Birthday to Me 5 mile race (Kristie's birthday)

March 3-Extraterrestrial Abduction 10k

March 5-Pi Day 5k (we can't do it on the actual Pi day 3/14 because I will be in Italy)

March 22-Spinach 5k

March 24-Luck of the Irish 3.17 mile race (again, can't do it on the actual day because I am in Italy)

March 26-Race to Rhymeville 5k

March 29-1st Aloha 5k (a challenge of 4 different 5k's on Fridays)


April 2-Happy Birthday to Me 5 mile race (my birthday)

April 5-2nd Aloha 5k

April 7-Carlsbad 5000 ( you have to run 4 different 5k races in one day, this is our first race we will travel to)

April 12-3rd Aloha 5k

April 16-5k; First race of Half Marathon Challenge that starts with a 5k and builds to the Half distance)

April 19-Last Aloha 5k

April 21-Half Challenge 10k

Kristie will be gone at the end of April until May 4th so we do not have any other races for April (not that we don't have plenty already)


May 5-May the 4th be with you 4 mile race (we have to do it today because Kristie will be traveling home on the 4th)

May 12-Half Challenge 10 mile race

May 19-Half Challenge Half Marathon

May 27-Bolder Boulder 10k (Yay! Kristie will be here for the race!)


June 1-San Diego Rock N Roll 5k

June 2-San Diego Rock N Roll Half Marathon Relay

This is all we have confirmed for the first few months. We are already registered for San Jose (2 races that weekend) and we are registering for Vegas (2 races) and San Antonio (2 races). We will also for sure do Arizona Rock N Roll in January 2020 and of course finish with the Disney Princess at the end of February. We are still filling in the gaps for the rest of the year. I will share the full schedule when we complete it.

As you can see we are front-loading a lot of races in the beginning to kick things off. I am scared and excited all at once. Just to be trying to do all of these feels pretty amazing but having a friend to do them with is really amazing. If any of you would like to run any of the races with us please let me know. My hubby will run the Bolder Boulder and San Diego with us but other than that we are on our own!!

Well, that's it for today!! It all feels crazy and exciting! I hope you will join us on our journey and help cheer us on and support us with good vibes to stay strong, fast and injury-free!

Happy Running!



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