Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. We did. We mostly just hung out but it was nice! Well this week kicks off the 50 races! I can't believe it is already here! Kristie and I start this Friday with our first race. We will do 4 miles on Friday, a 5 mile race on Saturday and a 10k on Sunday! I will be dead by Monday!!
I decided that doing 50 races is a good way to also gather information. I put together a few questions that I am going to answer for each race. I figure I might see patterns of things that work well and don't work well for me. Here are the questions I have put together so far:
1. Did I eat before the race? If so, what did I eat?
2. What shoes, socks, outfit did I wear for the race? Any issues with any of them?
3. How did the race go? Did I feel strong for the race, tired, etc.?
4. What did I do after the race? Ice? Heat? Stretch? Nothing?
5. What did I eat after the race?
6. What time of day was the race?
I plan to journal (yes, I know, I am not really the journal type, but I want to keep a record of everything!) and then report everything on the blog. I want you to be able to join in the adventure with us!
As you know from reading previous texts we will be doing several virtual races for March and some in April as well due to both of us traveling and not being able to be in the same city for a race. I know some of you live locally for me so if you want to join in for any of the races just let me know.
Just to remind you, here is what we have coming up for the next couple of months:
March 1-Magical Miles 4 mile race (Virtual)
March 2-Happy Birthday to Me 5 mile race (Kristie's birthday) (Virtual)
March 3-Extraterrestrial Abduction 10k (Virtual)
March 5-Pi Day 5k (we can't do it on the actual Pi day 3/14 because I will be in Italy) (Virtual)
March 22-Spinach 5k (Virtual)
March 24-Luck of the Irish 3.17 mile race (again, can't do it on the actual day because I am in Italy) (Virtual)
March 26-Race to Rhymeville 5k (Virtual)
March 29-1st Aloha 5k (a challenge of 4 different 5k's on Fridays) (Virtual)
April 2-Happy Birthday to Me 5 mile race (my birthday) (Virtual)
April 5-2nd Aloha 5k (Virtual)
April 7-Carlsbad 5000 ( you have to run 4 different 5k races in one day, this is our first race we will travel to)
April 12-3rd Aloha 5k (Virtual)
April 16-5k; First race of Half Marathon Challenge that starts with a 5k and builds to the Half distance) (Virtual)
April 19-Last Aloha 5k (Virtual)
April 21-Half Challenge 10k (Virtual)
Kristie will be gone at the end of April until May 4th so we do not have any other races for April (not that we don't have plenty already)
May 5-May the 4th be with you 4 mile race (we have to do it today because Kristie will be traveling home on the 4th) (Virtual)
May 12-Half Challenge 10 mile race; (Virtual)
May 19-Half Challenge Half Marathon; (Virtual)
May 27-Bolder Boulder 10k (Yay! Kristie will be here for the race!)
June 1-San Diego Rock N Roll 5k
June 2-San Diego Rock N Roll Half Marathon Relay
As you can see there are many virtual races in the beginning. We have not solidified the rest of the schedule yet (well, except San Jose and Vegas are definitely down), but I will post the rest of the schedule when we get it all in place.
If you have other ideas about things I might want to monitor for each race please feel free to leave me a comment. Just so you know, the comments box has moved in this new blog platform. You have to scroll down below the actual post border to see it now. When I look at it on the live site it looks like you not only scroll down below the post you are reading but also below a couple of the previous blog post pictures. Here is a screenshot:
Well, I must get busy getting some things done today! Have a great week!