Kristi Campanella

Feb 24, 20184 min

How to Get Fresh! (after your workout)

Today I thought I would share some things I do to freshen up after my workout or run if I need to go somewhere right after and I am not able to take a shower.

I frequently find myself in this situation. I drive to where I am going to run very frequently because frankly, I can hardly stand to do some of the routes from my house any longer!! Anyway, my point is I am at a trail somewhere, super sweaty and stinky but still need to make some stops on the way home. I hate staying in my stinky, sweaty clothes and I just don't think I should subject others to that either!!

I am going to share some of the things I do to freshen up and be ready to go to eat or run errands, get coffee, whatever. I am not talking about when you are at the gym and have access and time to take a shower. I am talking about two situations today: when you are outside for your run and when you are at the gym but do not have time for a shower.

When I know I need to go somewhere right after my run and I don't want to be in sweaty, stinky clothes I try to always pack a small bag with a quick change of clothes in it-something simple that goes on easy-not spandex!!! We all know that getting on spandex while you are sweaty is no easy feat, especially if you are doing it in your car! At a minimum I bring bottoms. I can usually deal with a sweaty sports bra but not the bottoms.

I also keep the following things either in my car or in my bag that I brought with me:


1. Body wipes-I like to use these to wipe over all the stinky spots and a quick once over on the arms and legs as well as getting the salt off my face. I have been liking these lately: Babo Botanicals 3 in 1 Wipes Hydrating Wipes

2. Curel Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer-I just recently started using this after reading about it in my Runners World magazine. My husband and I are loving it so far. You are supposed to have slightly wet skin when you use it so I use it right after the wipes.

3. Some sort of facial moisturizer with sunscreen. I live in Colorado so even in the winter you need some sunscreen on your face. I like this one right now.

4. Some plan for my hair. Most of the time I can get away with just a hat, a re-do of my ponytail or a braid. If my hair seems unusually sweaty or stinky I will use some dry shampoo on it. For my car I keep a travel one with me but at home there is a DIY one from 100percentpure website that is just cornstarch for light hair and a mixture with cocoa powder for darker hair-you can see it here:

DIY dry shampoo.

I am using this one right now when in my car:

5. Lastly, I may need a slight bit of light make-up on my face to make me a little more presentable. I just use a little bit of tinted cream or cover up and some lip gloss usually. I am a bit obsessed with this under eye cream that can also be used as a light foundation from RMS. It is really light and does not bother my eyes which is a common problem for me which is why I don't wear much make-up ever. It is a tad on the expensive side at $36 for me, but you barely need any so it will last a long time.

That sums up what I do in the winter when I am out on a trail run or even a road run and need to be somewhere right after and would like to look and smell presentable.


For summer I do not do much different except that I do not need the Curel moisturizer for my arms and legs. I may or may not put on lotion but all of the rest would be the same. In the summer I sweat a bit more and don't like to take chances on being stinky so I will also include some sort of light spray/mist to smell good. I love Heavenly from Victoria's Secret but honestly, whatever little sample I have or got for Christmas will do usually.

Lastly, I will mention some things for the gym when you can't take a shower because you are in a hurry, or you just don't want to take a shower in public!

I do the same type things usually but when I am at the gym I am frequently there to swim so I like my goggle lines to be gone before I leave. If it is in the winter I go to the steam room right after getting out of the pool, in the summer I just sit out in the sun for 10 minutes or so before going in so that I get rid of those lines. I desperately need a little under eye cover up after swimming because I frequently get my goggles too tight and it looks like I have black eyes.

I also keep some after swim lotion in my bag to help with the chlorine smell and the dryness from the chlorine. I use this in the winter and summer.

I have been using this one for several years now.

I forgot to originally include this next one so I added after publishing the post but hopefully some of you will still see it. I always spray something in my hair after swimming so the chlorine smell isn't bad. I have been using this for several years and still haven't run out.

Not Your Mother's Beach Babe. It is a sea salt spray to supposedly give you that "beach hair" look. I just like the way it smells!

Well, that about sums it up. What do you do to freshen up and be public-ready after a sweaty run or workout when you can't get a shower? If you have other great ideas or products you use please share.


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