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Writer's pictureKristi Campanella

Last Night in Italy, Boo Hoo!

It is 11:45 pm in Italy right now and we just got back from dinner about 15 minutes ago. If you have been to Italy then you know that meals (lunch and dinner) take a long time. They do not rush you and do not bring you the bill until you ask for it. I love it!! I love sitting there having little bits of food (and let's be honest, lots of food also) and talking and having nice conversation for several hours.

We ate at a place around the corner from our hotel where we ate the first night in Milan. It was very yummy. We had an antipasti of cheeses and jam, pasta with tomato and basil and pine nuts for me and pasta with seafood for Chris. I also had vegetables. We skipped dessert and just had espresso because we were too full. Oh, we also had a bottle of red wine and then they brought us Limoncello on the house.

This morning we got up and walked around and then to the train station and bought some last minute tickets to Lake Como for $14,40 Euros a piece in first class. We spent the day up there. It was beautiful! It was of course super crowded but it would be really nice to go during an off peak time. It would be cold probably but would be nice to be there without so many people.

The train we took was a local train and we hadn't taken one of those before and didn't know that they did not have seat assignments or bathrooms!! We could not figure out which platform we were supposed to be at because it did not say "Lake Como." Anyway, we finally got someone to tell us and got on the train but we weren't sure until we got there that we had actually gotten on the right one!!

We walked all around the lake and then had a beer and snacks before we got on the train to come back to Milan. We decided to rent some bikes to ride back to the hotel and holy cow was that better on our legs!! Our poor legs have had no rest since the marathon!!! We have done 12-16 miles of walking every day!!

The bikes were a nice adventure. You just ride on the sidewalk, in the street, with traffic, with tons of people. No one even looks twice at a bike coming at them. People just move out of your way. We road through Milan's Chinatown which was packed with people and had to go so slow so we wouldn't run into anyone. I think in America people would have been pissed at us but here they didn't even blink about us riding our bikes right at them and in big time crowds!! It was great! I really like it here.

I am going to have to come back to Milan because of all the rain we didn't get to explore as much as I wanted. I know people say Milan isn't so great like Rome or Florence but we have really enjoyed it. I am sad to leave.

Well, I will put a few photos from today below and then I need to finish packing and get to bed so we are ready in the morning to head back to America.

Please excuse any typos in this post, I am really tired and must go so I don't have time to proofread!!

Ciao! Arrivederci!



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