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  • Writer's pictureKristi Campanella

A Hunka Hunka Burnin' Runs

Well, we are back from Scottsdale now and we had a great time there for our anniversary. We got in a lot of running but man were they hot runs! When we go there Friday at around 11:00 in the morning we went straight to the resort and changed and took off so we could get in 7 that first day. It was already 103 and when we finished the run it was 106. We were starving and probably a bit dehydrated from flying so that run was a little hard. We made it slightly easier by running to a bar and drinking a beer then running back.

The next morning we started running about 6:45 am and it was 100. We did 10 miles that day then got bikes from the resort and rode them to breakfast and all around Scottsdale. We always go to the same place for breakfast when we are out there, The Breakfast Club, because it is good. We rode back into town that night and ate at another place we like for some Mexican food.

Sunday morning we ran and hiked Camelback Mountain. We could get right to it from the trails on our resort so that was really nice. It got to be really hot so this one became a bit tough near the top. At the top you have to climb quite a bit on some rocks to get up there and our running shoes were a little slippery but not bad. It would have been better with trail shoes.

When we got back to the room from that super hot run I realized I was only .06 miles from being first in the running challenge my husband had set up for an online group he leads. I had to go back out, I couldn't be that close and not do more to be in 1st place!! I went back out and did a little over 2 miles in 111 heat!! Then, I realized I was only a half a mile from 40 miles for the week. Well, I wanted that nice round number, like all runners do! Also, I haven't run more than 35 in a week in years, so I ran it in the hotel!! Anyway, I was really happy that my legs could do that many miles and not be hurting. If you recall that I changed my long runs to Friday then you will know that the Friday before I had run 15, so in 9 days I did 55 miles!! I was pretty excited!!

Now, even for me that was super hot to run but I still liked it and my legs definitely felt better than they do here. I think that here I have a really hard time getting in all the water I need for the dryness and altitude combined. In Scottsdale it was a necessity with that kind of sweating going on!! I loved it though, it was like detoxing!!

The resort we stayed at (The Phoenician) is not one we could afford during winter when normal people come to Arizona. I have discovered that the resorts are very cheap if you are willing to be in 111 degrees. That does not appeal to many people so the prices are slashed. This let us stay at a 5 star place and man was it nice! The staff was so nice also!! They were incredibly friendly and always smiled at you. We even got to keep the bikes all day instead of the usual 2 hours because no one else wanted to ride in the heat!

I know most people would say I am crazy but honestly I really liked waking up to the heat, it really made you need to do your run instantly. I love the sweat that happens also!

I hope your week is off to a good start. I took a day off yesterday after that many miles last week. I will get back to it today. I am putting some pictures below of us at the resort and on Camelback mountain and in Scottsdale. Have a great week!

Happy Running!



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